1. Finding the right balance between presenteeism and telework
To improve quality of life at work (QWL), it is necessary to learn from past years. And we have clearly seen it with the health crisis and the (admittedly forced) development of teleworking: presenteeism in the office as such no longer really makes sense. The home office has found its place in the daily lives of managers and employees. And even managed to question the usefulness of offices.
However, at the same time, distance learning has shown some limitations, particularly in terms of collaborative work: more preparation, more tiring, less productive... That's why on-site meetings and interactions always appear to be effective. In order to improve the quality of life at work, it is necessary to succeed in combining the effectiveness of teleworking with the relevance of collaborative work in real life, within offices. There is no single solution: each company must find the organization that best suits employees while promoting the performance of the structure.
2. Alternative workspaces
In 2022, improving the quality of life at work requires the implementation of alternative workspaces. Standing desks, seats with bicycle pedals, sofas, quiet rooms... The idea is to offer your employees places that complement the traditional desks and chairs. These alternative spaces give employees the opportunity to isolate themselves if they find the open space too noisy, to access cozy places for collaborative meetings or to avoid musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) by changing their position. So many ways to relieve the body and mind of your employees during their working day, without affecting their productivity.
3. Work outdoors
What if, in 2022, the sun became a lever for quality of life at work? Rather than constantly locked in offices, why not try to get some fresh air while working? A way to change the environment, to get out of the atmosphere of the offices that can be heavy for some and to free oneself a little from barrier gestures or distancing rules. There are several possibilities to implement all this. This can simply take the form of a short break outside, but you can also imagine more distant outings. For example, organizing a team building event in a natural setting can be a very good idea. Or even schedule a meeting or brainstorming in a connected caravan. This is called the "Wildesk".
Still, a little novelty, especially enjoying the sun and fresh air, can only be positive to improve the quality of life at work.
4. Take care of employees' health
Improving the quality of life at work involves taking care of the health and vitality of employees. To do this, it is more effective to go through positive actions than to hold guilt-inducing speeches about junk food or the dangers of smoking, for example.
Diet, lifestyle, sport, stress management: all these points deserve special attention and the implementation of actions or devices. This can be very simple, such as setting up a nap room where employees can rest after lunch and leave for a healthy afternoon.
But other initiatives can do employees good and have a direct positive impact on the organization of work. Like what:
● gym, yoga or medicine classes;
● workshops to make lunchboxes to eat balanced dishes at lunch;
● actions or support on the occasion of the month without alcohol or the month without tobacco, etc.
5. Rethink the role of the manager
Improving the quality of life at work is not just about employees' working conditions. It is also their degree of autonomy and involvement, the recognition they get in their work and communication and their relationships with their superiors.
The quality of management is frequently singled out among the causes of ill-being at work. Manager-employee trust must be renewed and rethought. This is why it is necessary to detach oneself from a so-called "old-fashioned" management with long meetings, constant reporting, etc.
The autonomy granted to employees is an important lever, and even more so since the health crisis and the rise of teleworking. The evolution of the managerial function also involves a role of driver, support and facilitator for future developments in work.