Ref. PA-07027


Avenue Charles-Quint 584
1082 Berchem Sainte Agathe

SizeMin. 602 m² - Max. 5,070 m²


Built in 2010, the Atlantis Bridge offers exceptional visibility with nearly 64,790 passengers per day. This "green" building is sophisticated and incorporates the latest developments in terms of comfort and energy performance (with a BREEAM rating of "very good"). The large windows that make up this building give perfect natural light to the office areas.

Technical description

  • Acoustic false ceiling
  • Airconditioning
  • Cold ceilings
  • Fire detection
  • Free height : 2.80 m
  • Goods lift : 1 x 1.000 kg
  • Lift(s) : 4
  • Metallic ceiling : with incorporated low energy lightning (500 lux)
  • PEB-Certificate : C+ (161)
  • Toilets L/G : male/female toilet accommodations on each floor
  • Video-phone system
  • Window modulation : 1,80/0,90m
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Location and Transport

The Decentralised area contains almost one fifth of the office stock in Brussels. It consists of clusters of offices offering a Brussels address at rental levels between 50% and 60% of those in the European Quarter.
Belgian companies from various sectors, including banking and finance, business services and TMT, are located in this area, as well as decentralised EU nodes.
Accessibility by public transport can be excellent in some locations, but varies from one sub-district to another. Companies looking for a headquarters with a Brussels address in a green environment with better traffic flow than the city centre will find their ideal location in this area.